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Welcome to my page


3/17/2025 - This site is under heavy construction...more soon!


Name: Bovo
Age: 21
Location: Earth
Occupation: Artist

I am an art student thats also into gamedev and programming. Some of my other hobbies are videogames (mainly Warframe), metal music, although I listen to a lot of different genres, and I also like to read. I am currently working on a game project and I am also working on my art portfolio. I am also working on a blog where I will post about my art and other stuff.

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3/22/2025 - Hello World - an introduction i guess.

Ever since I found neocities I wanted to make a fun site and be part of a community online. it has a certain feeling.
I could go on a rant about monopolies and stuff but i don't think it would really help..
Anyway - the next step here is to add the gallery, for now...i should really make a plan regarding this website :P.